Thursday, July 8, 2010

Video of KENYA

Here is a glimpse of our time in Kenya! We were not able to get a lot of our ministry on video because of the Maassai culture- it is disrespectful to take pictures and videos without permission. But to make up for that we did a lot of recording during our trek time and down time! Hope you enjoy!!!

:) Allee


  1. Allee! I love reading your blog, when you have the service to write them! I can't wait to hear all of your stories when you get back! Be safe riding all of those camels around! :) PS I am suupppeerr jealous of your flip!

  2. Allecat! We miss you! The videos are awesome! Love Sister

  3. Lindsey MontgomeryJuly 11, 2010 at 6:45 PM

    ALLEE YOU ARE AMAZING! i love you and i love everything you have written so far and espeially the videos. I cant wait to hear all the stories when you are home! i miss you tons and love you always!!:)

  4. Alleeeeee!!!
    I can't even describe how happy reading your blog makes me! The videos are SO amazing and I can't stop smiling and crying when I watch them. Hearing your voice makes me so excited to see you again and hear all of the amazing stories from your journey!!! I just can't even imagine all of the wonderful things you are doing for the people out there! You are such a blessed gift to this earth!!!! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS FOREVERRR <3
    karly and alicia :)

  5. Allllleee!! i seriously love your blog its addicting! haha and the videos are seriously the best! i cant wait to see you wittle girl! loveeeeeeeeee SCHMOOBS!

    Emilyyyyyy :)
