Saturday, June 26, 2010

Next.. Into the bush for 10days

So I don't have enough time on the internet to share with you any more blogs about our time in Uganda.... but I have many stories and awesome things that God is doing all written down! So whenever we get the chance to upload, I will!!!

We have officially said our bittersweet goodbyes to our new family and friends in Uganda, and we trek for the bush of Kenya Monday!! Thursday night we crossed the Uganda/Kenya border and it was absolute chaos, but thats another stroy for another time haha!

Right now our team leader is going grocery shopping for our 10 day adventure in the Bush of Kenya.

** warning do not read any further if you have ever thought about being a vegitarian because of animal cruelty.

We will be renting 2 camels, to trek all our water and food since we will have to carry our hiking backpacks while we trek. Along with the camels we will buy a sheep and a goat... which the boys will later have to learn how to kill... so that we can have food. TALK ABOUT AFRICAN style.. man we're not missing out on anyway that these people live over here haha. I have already promised myself to not become friends with the animals or else my little heart will be crushed, and I might become anerexic for the next 12 days. Kidding! I have not/nor will not be losing any weight while im here because SHOCKING the food is actually pretty dang good (correction: most of it!), and all they serve us is carbs.

I can't believe I haven't even been able to tell you how amazing my team is... i don't have time to express. but if you haen't already heard. they are all so incredible!! We are so blessed with the people God put on this team. They are already like family to me, and they are friendships I will treasure forever, it seems like we have known eachother since we were little (and we've only known each other for 3 weeks!!)

God's going to show up big in Kenya, and we are so excited to be working with the Massai tribe! Keep praying for us :) We won't have internet until we return, so we'll write then!!


  1. Hi Allee. It sounds like you are having a fabulous time and learning and growing so much. It is great to be able to hear about your journey through the blog! Be safe and we are praying for you!

  2. Ok first I want you to know this is my first time doing this. I have never posted a this technology thing is awesome though to be able to stay connected to you and your trip. So it looks like from the pictures that you are having a great time, what an awesome opportunity, I love the bunch of you guys in the car..How fun! Can't wait to hear how the ten days in the bush was, how was the Nile? Your testimony continues to grow and we are so proud of you. My prayer for you will continue to be strength, health and safety. If you have specifics please let me know..We love you and miss you..By the way I don't know how to send this thing so here goes nothing...George out!
